Founded in 1970, VOLF's mission is as follows:
- "To assist in, and to promote the preservation
of the natural beauty and rural character of Martha's Vineyard;
- to minimize land development along the highways,
byways and along the shore of the sea and ponds by preserving
open places;
- by acquiring control of strategic tracts
of land, by dedicating all or part to public use for recreation
and conservation, and/or by developing such tracts, in whole
or in part, pursuant to plans well designed to preserve the character
thereof to the greatest extent feasible;
- by working with or otherwise assisting individuals
and other organizations public or private in their efforts to
preserve the rural character of the Vineyard;
- by expanding funds for research and otherwise
informing the public as to the means and techniques for accomplishing
and for facilitating the objectives of preserving open places
on the Vineyard;
- by promoting sound conservation practices
on the Vineyard so as to maintain to the greatest extent feasible
and practicable, the quality of life on the Vineyard;
- in furtherance of its purposes, the Foundation
may acquire by gift, purchase or otherwise either real, personal
or mixed property from any person, trust, or corporation."