Vineyard Open Land Foundation is an IRS 501(c)(3) non-profit land use planning organization dedicated to preserving the natural beauty and rural character of Martha's Vineyard. Working with landowners and using conservation principles since 1970, more than 2,000 acres of significant agricultural areas, wildlife habitats and scenic views have been conserved.
VOLF conducts its own projects by acquiring strategic parcels of land, designing, obtaining regulatory approval for and implementing conservation land use plans for these properties that preserve and provide scientific protections for the natural resources while allowing for appropriate human uses.
VOLF will accept donations of land and conservation restrictions and will provide conservation stewardship for these properties.
VOLF also provides technical expertise on a consulting basis to assist landowners, neighborhood groups, municipalities and other conservation organizations to achieve their goals for land use and conservation.
VOLF's largest on-going project is the planning and development of VOLF's cranberry bog to produce cranberries under environmentally friendly conditions.
VOLF is also currently assisting communities and individuals with view easements to preserve the natural beauty and to broaden the enjoyment of the Vineyard's vistas.
At present, VOLF owns and manages six conservation properties in five of the Island towns totaling 271 acres. VOLF also holds conservation restrictions on 57 1/2 acres. Other conservation properties created through VOLF's work are managed by various other entities including homeowners' associations, municipalities and other conservation organizations.
This website was made possible through the generosity of the extended Hans F. Loeser family.